Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluation
When Do You Need to Go in for Periodontal Cleaning?
Periodontal cleaning, also known as dental scaling and root planing, is typically recommended when a Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluation (CPE) reveals periodontal disease. The comprehensive periodontal evaluation is an important diagnostic tool used to measure periodontal health. During the CPE, your dental professional will evaluate factors such as periodontal pocket depths, bleeding points, tooth mobility and overall periodontal condition. If periodontal disease is present and requires treatment, periodontal cleaning may be recommended. Periodontal cleaning removes plaque and tartar buildup below the gum line that can't be removed during regular brushing and flossing at home.
In addition to periodontal cleanings, additional treatments are often necessary to properly treat periodontal disease. You may need to see a periodontist if you have recurring bad breath or bad taste in your mouth, difficulty chewing food due to tooth mobility, or shifting teeth due to lost bone support. Your dental professional can provide you with more information on the best periodontal care plan based on your individual needs.
Periodontal cleaning is an important part of maintaining periodontal health and should be done regularly as recommended by your dentist or periodontist. Regular periodontal cleanings help to reduce inflammation, decrease pocket depths, eliminate periodontal pockets, prevent further damage from occurring and ultimately preserve the health of your gums and teeth.
If you have any questions or concerns about periodontal cleanings or are in need of a comprehensive periodontal evaluation, contact One Dental Beverly Hills today! Here at One Dental Beverly Hills, we can evaluate your mouth to see if we notice signs of periodontal disease or any other concerns related to your oral health. We can help diagnose the problem and recommend treatment options that are right for you.
Take steps towards proper oral care by coming into our office and let us keep your periodontal health in check.
9400 Brighton Way Ste 309
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
2196 Foothill Blvd Suite C, La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91011